Product Updates
We just got a bunch of reindeer skins in from Sweden. They will be made into great bench seat covers. Here are some photos. Read why equestrians like reindeer saddle pads... By the way, we are told the Swedish army used reindeer pelts in the winter for sleeping pads, etc. These pelts are from the Sapmi/Lapland in Sweden. EU certified. Check them out at the website (in English)
A couple photos from Benny Jonsson:
courtesy Benny Jonsson
A great little book by Carol Berry
A wonderful book from Carol Berry of Handwoven In Bellingham
The title tells all. Call us today to get a copy. 20 pages of good stuff. It is a "project guide for 18 cotton and linen towels on 4 warps. Examples of handwoven textiles, using 8 shaft turned twill technique." $20