Myrehed Combination Drawloom

Myrehed Combination Drawloom
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Price: $1,145.00
Myrehed Combination Drawloom
The combination drawloom has both pattern shafts and individual drawcords. A fancy nonrepeating pattern controlled by the drawcords can be woven along with a repeating pattern as a border or vice versa. Either of the systems can also be used individually. The clever design of this combination drawloom allows all of the pattern selection (of both drawcords and shafts) to be done directily in front of the weaver. For creating complex patterns, this drawloom is the most versatile of all. As for the shaft drawloom, the combination drawloom needs an extension at the back to accommodate the pattern shafts.
Adds Single Unit Drawloom to Shaft Drawloom.
Shaft Drawloom and Loom Extension Required.